Find a caregiver / nanny in our online database.
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Hire your caregiver.
Elderly care
Disabled care
  With, you can find and and hire a live-in caregiver or nanny for FREE, and pay no agency fees whatsoever. With's extensive and secure database, you can find hardworking, reliable, experienced and educated live-in caregivers who meet your requirements, and contact them directly without having to go through an expensive agent or agency.

All caregivers in our database have verifiable references and at least two years of work experience in caring for children, the elderly, or persons with special needs.

Our database is filled with caregivers from around the world, covering a wide and diverse range of cultures and backgrounds. Our lists include nannies and caregivers who are from the Philippines, India, China, Russia and Europe.
It’s FREE! No hidden costs.
It’s EASY!
Find quality caregivers with detailed profiles
Hire caregivers in your own time, at your own pace
Affordable salaries starting from $1200 per month
Children or your elderly relative gets individual attention
Get help with housekeeping and cooking
Consistent care in the comfort of your own home
Weekends or overnight care is included
QUALITY TIME for yourself and your family
Less stress and more peace of mind

To find the perfect nanny or caregiver for your family, use our free online service today!

We service all Canadian Provinces and Territories including Toronto, Markham, Niagara Region, GTA, Ontario, Vancouver, BC, Calgary, Edmonton, Alberta, Montreal, Quebec, Mississauga, Ottawa, Barrie, Oshawa, Oakville, Peterborough, Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Saskatoon, Halifax.
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